How to Market “Use It or Lose It” Benefits to Patients

This time of year, your patients with dental insurance likely have remaining benefits in their Health Savings Account. However, if patients don’t use their benefits before December 31, 2021, they won’t roll over for 2022. “Use It or Lose It” benefit reminders are an excellent opportunity to market your practice to patients, and help them

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How to Get New Patients with Google Pay-Per-Click Ads

While your organic social media content, paid boosting and active reviews strategy give you plenty of valuable visibility on the Internet and in your community, using paid advertising on Google is the final touch for your digital marketing efforts. Utilizing a Pay-Per-Click ad on Google helps you reach untapped markets every time a patient searches

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8 Ways Social Media Is Good for Organic Traffic

A successful digital marketing strategy makes use of multiple elements, two of which are SEO (search engine optimization) and social media. SEO and social media work together in many ways to increase your website’s organic traffic. While social media management doesn’t directly impact SEO as a search engine ranking factor, it does still add immense

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5 Ways To Modernize Your Practice For New And Existing Patients

In this age of technology, your millennial patients and prospects (one-third of our population) don’t just crave modern convenience; they expect it. Everyone is online, so your practice must meet your audience where they are. Enhancing your customer experience with technological amenities not only helps you keep up with the competition but set a new

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How to Recover from the Dental Hygiene Appointment Dropoff

It has been nearly six months since dental offices were forced to close their doors to non-emergency dental patients. Little to no hygiene appointments this spring, means fewer follow-up hygiene appointments six months later. This presents a potentially revolving problem every six months if your patients aren’t scheduled for their routine hygiene appointments. Steven Jensen

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