How was your experience with us? graphic

How Do You Ask For Reviews?

How was your experience with us? graphic

How Do You Ask For Reviews?

Hopefully you know by now that reviews are extremely important to every business. Reviews are the internet version of word-of-mouth marketing nowadays. Consumers trust real people that have experienced your product more than what you say on your website. Most of your potential customers will look at reviews before contacting your business for an appointment. If you haven’t had a review since 2011, consider your credibility at the bottom of the barrel.

So we know reviews are important. But, how do you get more?

  1. Get a list of clients/customers/patients. Whatever type of business you own, if you don’t collect email addresses, start doing it now! Creating an email list is the first step to asking for reviews.
  2. Have a check-in system. Do you have a tablet or computer people check in with when they come in for an appointment? If so, make sure it is connected to your reputation management system (if you use one) to automatically send a review request to your customer after they check in. Or if you have a patient management system, have it send a post-appointment survey after each visit with links to different sites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. This ensures their experience will be fresh in their mind when they go to write a review.
  3. Send a review request. If you have a patient management system, they usually have newsletter tools to use where you can send a review request email periodically to all of your patients or certain groups. If you don’t have this, you can use free tools like MailChimp or Constant Contact to send out free review request e-blasts. All you have to do is import your email list, create some copy, and send! This will boost your reviews if you haven’t had any in awhile.
  4. Keep it simple. When you’re creating your copy, make sure to keep it short and sweet so people know what you want them to do-review you! You can even incentivize customers to review you by offering a Starbucks gift card or other prize to encourage more responses. Who doesn’t want a free cup of coffee?
  5. Share it on social. Share a link to review your business on social media and ask your followers to share their feedback with you. This is a great way to reach your audience, especially if you haven’t built up your email list yet.

If you don’t have the time or resources to execute this, but know how important it is for your business, call us today to learn more about how we can manage your reputation for you and build your online presence!