How Do I Make Google Ads Work for my Dental Practice?

If you’re looking for new patients, want to build your brand, have just brought on a new dentist or are in areas with competitive markets, pay-per-click advertising on Google can be a valuable component of your marketing strategy.  While your marketing partner is an incredibly valuable resource in helping you succeed, you need to do

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What Are Google Ads and Why Are They Important to My Dental Practice?

If you’re looking for ways to generate new patients for your dental practice by using Google, you may have heard of Google Ads. Google Pay-Per-Click advertising, or PPC, is an excellent–and often necessary–investment for dentists looking to consistently grow their practice within a specific time frame.  With over 63,000 Google searches made each second, using

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How to Get New Patients with Google Pay-Per-Click Ads

While your organic social media content, paid boosting and active reviews strategy give you plenty of valuable visibility on the Internet and in your community, using paid advertising on Google is the final touch for your digital marketing efforts. Utilizing a Pay-Per-Click ad on Google helps you reach untapped markets every time a patient searches

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Practice Marketing During COVID-19

Our Whiteboard Marketing team members have presented in multiple webinars recently, including our client-only marketing webinar, the ACTDental COVID-19 Relief Conference, and the Florida  Dental Association.  Throughout our discussions, we have been asked many questions from participants.  We have listed the most frequently asked questions and answers below. What are the lead generating platforms I

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How Long Should I Invest in PPC Before I See Results?

Is PPC something your business should be investing in?  You should and here’s why: What is PPC? PPC stands for pay-per-click, which increases your business’ search position on Google to gain exposure. It stands for pay-per-click, which is the ability to show advertisements to users on both Google and Facebook based on their browsing interests,

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