Man giving a thumbs up

To Love You is to Like You.

Man giving a thumbs up

To Love You is to Like You.

The Who and How of Facebook Likes

We’ve broken down our thoughts on who should be following your page and how to make it happen.

Who should you ask to like your page?

  • Get your customers. First, cast your net close to home and ask your customers to like your Facebook and other social pages.  Hands down, they are the most important group of followers because they are already engaged and invested in your company’s offering and brand.  This is the group you want to convert into raving, viral ambassadors of your brand.  Plus, that type of conversion will definitely net an increase in sales for your business.
  • Get friendly. Ask your personal friends.  They will, most definitely, engage with your posts by liking and sharing because they know you and want you to be successful.
  • Get personal. Ask consumers who “look like” your customers.  Facebook has this cool option called lookalike audiences to help you find and engage people who are just like your current customers.  Use this option to advertise for new friends.
  • Get local. Ask consumers near your business. If your company offers local services, seek out the Facebook users who live near your company.  To do this, you will need to understand your customer base, including age, sex and distance traveled to benefit from your services.

Get More Likes:

  • Campaign it. If you have email addresses, send an e-blast asking customers to like you.  Incentivize them.  Run a “promotion.”  It can read something like, “Like us on Facebook by February 29 and you could win big!”  Make it a drawing to win a product or service you may provide, or even a gift card to a local coffee shop or retail store. Announce the winner on Facebook.  If applicable, ask the winner to come to your office to pick up the prize.  Then, take a photo of the winner and post on Facebook, as well.  Remember to tag him or her in the pic so the post goes on their Facebook page.  This will increase your reach and engagement. Run this type of campaign periodically to sign up new customers who may not have liked the page yet.
  • Post it. Remember to post signs in your office if your customers visit frequently.
  • Motivate it. Incentivize your staff to generate followers.  Spring for a pizza lunch if your entire team reaches a set goal of new likes.  For example, if you have 250 likes, shoot for 400 in a month.  Promote it, post the goal and status in break-rooms, email to team members.  Keep them posted and keep them motivated.
  • Market it. Add your social icons and links to your company website, blog, email template, in-office flyers, business cards, etc.  While you won’t see hundreds of followers through this effort, you may see an ancillary increase over time while reinforcing your brand.  Think about adding the actual LIKE button for a one-click like.  Talk about increasing likes instantaneously.
  • Advertise it. Run a Facebook likes ad. But, be smart about it.  Inside Facebook you can set your ad parameters to reach your customer base fairly easily.  Refer back to our super high-level insight about knowing your customers and lookalike audiences.
  • Boost it. Boost some of your posts to generate more post and page likes.

We will be happy to send you our handy-dandy PDF “How to Get More Likes for Your Business.”  Just Contact Us and request a copy.