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8 Tips for Recording Professional Videos

Video graphic on iPad

8 Tips for Recording Professional Videos

We know that shooting video that is professional and engaging can be a challenge, especially when you are filming with an iPhone or tablet. Yes, these videos will look different than those filmed and produced by a hired film crew. That’s the idea. Viewers today want to see the organic, realistic version of people and companies. These types of videos will help bring your brand to life.

We have put together our favorite tips to ensure your video is clean, simple, professional and marketable.

1. Record in a well-lit room.
Film in a well-lit area or room. Make sure you look at the room through your camera lens and then test shoot a few times. Always play it back so you can see how the lighting looks.

2. Film for sound.
Many rooms or spaces make the audio sound loud or resonant. Test your sound. If the sound is not ideal, we recommend you purchase a good wireless or lavalier microphone. Also, remember the microphone picks up much of the noise around you.  So, if your team members are talking down the hall, the video will record it. Keep the surrounding office quiet during your shoot.

3. Keep your background simple.
Find a space in your office that is clean and simple and does not have distraction in the background. If you have a space that is branded with your logo, try to film in front of it. Or, put a branded object in the camera view.

4. Clean up the clutter.
Look around the space you are filming and make sure it is clean and neat. Remove extra papers, tissues, clutter and other items that may look unprofessional.

5. Keep it steady.
Don’t rely on your hands to shoot a steady video. By human nature, the final product will be shaky. Invest in an inexpensive tripod for your iPhone or iPad.

6. Shoot horizontal.
For now, shoot videos in horizontal, landscape layout. Horizontal is aesthetically more pleasing and professional looking. For Facebook Live – these videos need to be shot vertically.

In the near future, we think social channels will push to have all videos shot in vertical or portrait mode. But for now, you should shoot horizontally. Vertical videos have a 9x higher conversion rate than horizontal videos. Simply put, mobile phone users hold their phone vertically 94% of the time and prefer to keep it upright.

7. Keep key players in the video space when recording.
If you are videoing two people talking (i.e., doctor and patient), keep both characters in the camera view at all times. Don’t cut from one person to the other, as this breaks up the flow of the conversation and distracts the viewer.

8. Don’t be afraid to re-shoot.  
Practice makes perfect. We love getting a few takes of a video. Shooting great and professional looking videos is a process of trial and error. Sometimes, the more relaxed a person is in front of the camera, the better the video.

Most importantly, have fun with your videos! And, don’t forget to send us your video so we can post it on your social media sites, website, YouTube page and other key channels.

Have questions? Contact us today! We can help.