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5 Steps to Make Old Website Content New

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5 Steps to Make Old Website Content New

Do you ever look at your website and think, “Sure, it’s old, but it gets the job done!”

Let’s break that mindset.

If you have an old website, it’s likely not getting the job done at all. Google changes its algorithm all the time, which means old sites can be left in the dust by search engines (and not found by potential customers).

Today, let’s look at five fast and easy ways to make your website’s content start working for your business all over again:

Step 1: Update Your Menu

Look at the main menu of your site (and if you don’t have one, get one!). There, you should have your four-to-six most-visited web pages or resources listed. This helps ensure once someone is on your site, they will find what they’re looking for quickly, and hopefully take action.

Bonus Point: Learn how to find your most valuable pages.

Step 2: Proofread and Purge

You can divide and conquer this step by assigning pages to family and friends. In addition to looking for spelling and grammar errors, delete outdated information and outdated pages. If you have a “Newsletters” page you haven’t updated since 2015, get rid of it! Consider updating some areas, like the homepage or the about page to have a friendly, conversational tone.

Bonus Point: Add one unique photo on all internal pages. Don’t have photos? Consider a package from Shutterstock a worthy investment.

Step 3: Add Relevant Subheadings

Now that you know your website only has clean, updated, and well-written pages, it’s time to add some structure. Add at least three subheadings per internal page to break up the content (“What is…,”Benefits of…,” “Price of…” etc.) in a way that makes sense to the reader.

Bonus Point: Use one to two keywords per heading (see Step 4).

Step 4: Keywords, Keywords, Keywords!

Welcome to the golden rule of content updating: Yep, you guessed it, keywords.

Keywords will boost your Google ratings and help potential customers find you when searching for a service or product you offer. Keywords are words that are triggered often by Google users searching for that topic. For example, “tooth replacement” is a popular search term for someone who is interested in dental implants.

Use a tool like Google Keyword Planner or Google Trends to help you determine relevant keywords for the pages of your site. Choose two to eight keywords per page and incorporate them naturally throughout the text. Be sure to use the ‘big’ keywords in the title of the page, too.

Bonus Point: Add keywords in the page’s subheadings, tags, and metadescription.

Step 5: Contact Page Update

Always be sure to have an easy-to-find contact page (this should be in the main menu) with updated information on how to find your business. Include an address, phone number, email, and name (if applicable) for maximum reach. Be sure the address listed on your contact page matches the one listed for your business on Google.

Bonus Point: Embed a Google Map to maximize the function of this page.