Man typing at his desk

Website Voice and Brand Voice: How to Keep It Consistent

Man typing at his desk

Website Voice and Brand Voice: How to Keep It Consistent

So, you have a website now. It’s pretty, featuring the colors you like and a design that is easy to use. Now, all you have to do is fill it with a bunch of content. Words, pictures and meaningful information…seems easy enough, right? For many business owners, generating content for their websites is the hardest part. How do you ensure that your website is speaking to your customers in the exact same way you would in person? Start by integrating the following considerations during the brainstorming and drafting process.

1. Philosophy Based

Chances are that a long time ago (or maybe not so long ago), your company established a philosophy, a central principle that guides your business practices. Hint: It shouldn’t just govern your in-person relations. As you develop copy for your website, you want to keep that philosophy top of mind. This will make it easy to convey the values your business personifies. Whether it be relaxed, child-friendly, strictly professional or a number of other scenarios, your identity should shine through every page.

With this, passion becomes evident. Consumers are more likely to engage with people who demonstrate a serious passion for their business. Show why you love reclaimed wood or the results of orthodontics! In successful, philosophy-based communications, prospective customers feel welcome and invited into the business. This way, your online presence and in-person experience is coherent.

2. Reputation Centered

A business’ strongest asset is its reputation. It can take a long time to build your reputation, so you want ensure it is made apparent throughout your site. Begin by knowing your demographic. Copy will be easier to write when you direct it towards your specific target audience. Secondly, be absolutely positive the messaging on your website is accurate and relevant. For example, your reputation will be damaged if your skin care center has a subpage about tattoo removal, but you do not actually perform that service.

Take full advantage of the great accolades your business has acquired throughout its operation. Use your website to display prominent badges, certifications and awards you have received. In the copy, mention the expertise you offer, as well as your business’ history. Do you have a slew of amazing reviews or testimonials? Create a section on your website dedicated to those. Prospects will feel more comfortable investing their time and money into your business if it is well-established and credible.

3. Focus on Personal Connections

Consumers are extremely appreciative of a genuine, personal approach to business interactions. Be open to including authentic quotes and examples from you and your team. Incorporate real photos of your staff. A shot of each staff member, a picture from company training day and a gallery of before and afters are all major selling points. Haven’t you heard a picture is worth a thousand words? The more your brand speaks personally to your prospective consumers, the greater the chance they convert.

In addition, when discussing the services or products you have to offer, consider the technical language you understand versus what you know is familiar to your prospects. Dentists, for one, may cringe at the term “cleaning,” but need to acknowledge that resonates with their audience. Avoid turning patients away from coming across as condescending or too technical. Remember: keep it informative, yet simple.

So, what does this all boil down to in terms of benefit for you? Relationship building! When your brand voice runs parallel to your online voice, consumers are confident in your company and will invest in your business.