Woman getting her teeth cleaned at the dentist

SEO For Dentists

Woman getting her teeth cleaned at the dentist

SEO For Dentists

Whiteboard Marketing has provided SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for dentists since our inception in 2005. SEO has been proven to have one of the highest return on investments for dentists looking to grow their practices.

We understand that there are a lot of marketing companies who claim to provide Search Engine Optimization services to their dental clients, but none have the track record of success that Whiteboard Marketing has provided our clients year after year.


What does successful SEO look like for dentists?

For those who don’t know exactly what SEO can do for your practice, the overarching goal is to get your business listed on the first page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing for many different search phrases potential patients are
currently searching for in your area.

To us, success is when we not only get our clients on the first page of search results, but also in the top 3 listings for local map results in Google. Then, we track how many more people are finding and visiting your site from the search engines – as well as study their behavior once they get to your site – and ultimately how many pick up the phone and call you to make the first appointment.

In our SEO campaigns, we can actually tell our clients, where they rank and how they have moved up from page 10 to page 1 of Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines.  We also show our clients exactly how many phone calls were generated directly from our Search Engine marketing efforts.

We currently have dozens of dentists on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing, and even after dealing with established dental offices that have over a decade in the business, we still grow their search engine traffic and phone calls by double digit increases – year over year, year after year. SEO for a dental practice has one of the highest returns on investment of ANY form of marketing, period.


How long does it take to see results from SEO?

Since we’re dealing with what really boils down to manipulating Google’s search engine algorithm to get our clients more traffic using best practices, one of the most common questions we get is, “What kind of time before I see real results?”

Generally, we can start seeing traction on new sites within 30-60 days. For older sites, the same time frame applies, but we have found ways to naturally harness what Google already may “like” about your site to get you a bigger boost within the first few weeks than with a brand new site. If you are considering building a new site, it’s important you involve SEO at the very beginning. This will  give your new site the best chances for success.

Our goal is to be within the first 3 pages of Google/Yahoo/Bing for all of our clients within 90 days. After 180 days,  we want to be prominently on the first page of search results for at least a third to half of our targeted keywords. While we often outdo these metrics, we rather under-promise and over-deliver in terms of search engine placement. After 90 days, we also expect to see a very noticeable improvement not only in keyword/search rankings, but also in traffic and phone calls from new patients who found you in the search engines.


Handling Google’s Updates

It’s no secret that Google, who leads the search engines in the United States with over 65% market share, regularly updates its algorithm several times a year, while still maintaining small daily updates. It’s also no secret that when they release major updates to their core search engine, many search engine marketers who blindly follow the crowd with their optimization techniques also lose their clients rankings en masse.

Not so with Whiteboard Marketing. After working with multiples of clients since 2005 who are still with us, we can proudly say that our SEO techniques not only provide real results for our clients, but we have never had a Google update penalize ANY of our clients. In fact, we usually get a boost across the board whenever Google rolls out an update to their platform.

Is SEO right for your dental practice?

If you are looking to grow your practice and get new patients in a manner that is is verifiable, replicable, and scalable – and in a way that works with your budget – then SEO is the perfect marketing channel for you. If you are interested in how much “hidden potential” your current dental site has, we would be happy to show you exactly where you currently rank for a list of search phrases your local potential clients are currently using,  and how you could become dominant in Google, etc for these search phrases.

If you are a brand new practice, we can offer solutions that will help you launch your site with the power of the search engines behind you. Either way, if you are interested in learning more about our very unique approach to Search Engine Optimization for dental practices, we would sincerely love to hear from you and show you exactly how it works. Please contact us to learn more today.