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The Power of Videos on Facebook

social media spelled out in Scrabble tiles

The Power of Videos on Facebook

Our Digital Marketing team recently attended the Social Media Success Summit 2016 hosted by Social Media Examiner. During the 3-week conference, we observed and participated in discussions regarding trending online marketing tools and best methods. We found ‘The Power of Video on Facebook’ discussion in particular very beneficial, and were inspired to share our insights with you!

There is no doubt that Facebook is the king of social media outlets. And, research continues to show that video is the most effective tool for engagement on Facebook. Now you’re probably wondering, how can your business use videos to get your clients more involved on Facebook? Don’t worry, we’ll give you the low-down. Here are 3 key tips to use video to boost your Facebook engagement:

  1. Facebook Featured Videos. Facebook allows your business page to upload and select a featured video that will appear in your ‘About’ section. This is a golden opportunity for you to showcase your brand, your new office space, or a new product/service you’ve just launched. How do you set a featured video? It’s simple. Go to your business page and click the ‘Video’ tab and then click ‘Choose Video’.screen-shot-2016-11-22-at-9-16-29-am
  2. Utilize YouTube.  Is your YouTube channel set up? Your answer should be yes. Your YouTube channel provides a central location for all of your videos. When you upload a video to YouTube, a “share” hyperlink is created. This makes it as easy as copy and paste for you to use to share your videos on Facebook and your other social media outlets. You can even click directly on the Facebook icon from your YouTube and the video will share right onto your Facebook page.screen-shot-2016-11-22-at-9-24-01-am
  3. Instagram. Have you heard? Instagram is the newest member of the Facebook family. Due to this new adoption, these outlets work seamlessly together to increase video engagement. Instagram allows you to create a short video clip (with or without sound), edit it, and then post it. Now you can link your Facebook business page directly to your business’ Instagram account so sharing is easier than ever. Simply click the “Share” option on your video and select your business Facebook page as the destination. So, take out your smartphone, make a short video for your business and share away!screen-shot-2016-11-22-at-11-51-24-am

Video is a significant part of social media and it’s not going anywhere. We hope this will help you find new ways to create, share, and increase your video engagement on Facebook. If you have questions, give us a call! Thank you Social Media Examiner for the great Social Media Success Summit 2016, we’re looking forward to next year!