How to Build a Dental Practice Website for the Patient and Staff Experience

How to Build a Dental Practice Website for the Patient and Staff Experience

How to Build a Dental Practice Website for the Patient and Staff Experience

How to Build a Dental Practice Website for the Patient and Staff Experience

How your dental practice website is built and designed helps convert patients, so how do you optimize your site so they choose you for dental care? Our web team shares how to craft a website that does just this–and makes life easier for your Front Desk staff, too.

Why Your Dental Practice Website Matters

Your website is the heartbeat of your brand, online presence and your primary source of patient conversion opportunities. It is the first impression a patient forms of you and your practice, and a deciding factor in whether or not the patient schedules with your office or your competitor. In fact, 75% of consumers admit they judge a company’s credibility based on the design of its website.

Website Design Statistics

Your Website and Patients’ First Impressions

Fifty-five percent of visitors spend less than 15 seconds on a website, which is why it is essential for you to invest in conversion features that keep searchers on your site and turn them into active, paying patients. 

55% of visitors spend less than 15 seconds on a website

Why Don’t Patients Convert on My Website?

In today’s culture of immediate gratification, patients want constant convenience on your website. If they don’t find what they’re looking for in as few steps as possible, or your site doesn’t establish trust with them, they’ll leave and move on to the next dental practice.

Reasons Patients Don’t Find Your Site Trustworthy: 

  • They’re unable to find what they’re looking for
  • There are no clear selling points or calls-to-action 
  • Your reviews are not included on the site
  • Your site looks old or outdated 
  • Your site looks completely impersonal and doesn’t feature essential details like your logo, address, phone number or pictures

Patients Trust Reviews How Do I Build My Dental Practice Website for Conversion and Patient Trust?

Make it as simple as possible for patients to learn more about you, schedule an appointment and even pay their bill on your website. 

Make it easy for patients to convert on your website

Essential Design Choices For Conversion-Focused Websites:

  • A logo with consistent, familiar branding
  • A cohesive color scheme with one to three strategically placed colors
  • Purposeful use of white space (up to 40%)
  • Clickable info and calls-to-action above the banner on every page
  • Sticky header that stays in one place on the website when a patient scrolls
  • Organized footer
  • Personal images 
  • Authentic bios and photos of your team
  • A full “Our Services” menu that is easy to locate and navigate
  • Dental practice reviews

Websites with personal Images Have a 48% Higher Conversion Rate

Important Patient Conversion Features for Your Website

These modern tools are specially designed to motivate users to interact with your team and convert on your site.

Websites with Visable CTAs have a 25-45% Higher Conversion Rate

How Will My Optimized Practice Website Benefit My Staff?

Not only does a site rich in conversion opportunities and practice information benefit you and your patients, but it also lightens the workload of your Front Desk staff. These specific features help promote efficiency in practice management and higher employee satisfaction among your team.

Live Chat

Patients can communicate with a live chatter and get any questions they may have answered outside of office hours. Your staff will spend less time answering questions on the phone.

Online Patient Forms

Information from these forms can translate into your practice management system, which means less time spent keying in patient information. Additionally, new patients can complete forms prior to their appointment, which helps keep your practice running on time.

Website Contact Us Forms

Communicating electronically also cuts down on the amount of time your staff spends talking on the phone.

Online Bill Pay

If your practice has a Financial Coordinator, giving patients the option to pay their bill online simplifies their job by minimizing how often they must follow up with patients who recently received treatment.

Need to Hire a Website and SEO Specialist?

At Whiteboard Marketing, our team of web experts builds each site with three goals of patient conversion, SEO and speed. We’ve successfully built hundreds of sleek, professional, conversion-driven dental practice websites across the nation. Schedule a consultation call with our team to learn more.